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Download Regata OS
MD5: 10436afac3ca6803e79ed965e29df570
Regata OS with NVIDIA driver
MD5: 1f19884765f624bf79ec882655c6ccf9


About Regata OS

Regata OS made its debut in 2013, when it first appeared on the blog Diolinux, and has since been gaining ground among those looking for a familiar, free alternative to Microsoft Windows that can support the latest technologies, but without losing stability and reliability.

On July 4, 2021, the Regata OS 21 Challenger was launched, which arrived as the most important version of the operating system ever released. That's because the Regata OS Challenger (challenging, in free translation) brought big changes in the way it was developed, starting to use, for example, the most recent and stable version of KDE Plasma instead of the LTS version of the graphical environment, allowing to offer users a better experience and, of course, new features and functionality. Also, more important changes were implemented "under the hood".

To create an entire ecosystem that could improve the user experience on Regata OS, we created applications that could meet the users' needs, such as the "Graphic Settings" app (previously called Prime Settings), which helps owners of laptops with hybrid graphics to make the best use of their hardware by choosing which applications should run with the device's dGPU (ie the most powerful GPU). Other good examples are the app store, which offers users an experience familiar to what is found on Android or iOS mobile devices, and Regata OS Game Access, which helps gamers access their games that are available on platforms like, for example, Epic Games Store, EA Origin and Ubisoft Connect.

And that's just the beginning. We have more ambitious plans, however, to get many of these ideas off the paper, we need to partner with, for example, hardware companies so that they can also offer laptops and desktops with the Regata OS already pre-installed by default. This would certainly help us reach a much wider audience. As Regata OS is completely free to use, no additional cost is passed on to customers.

Currently, most of the revenue obtained by the Regata OS project is from donations, especially through Premium, where users can subscribe to a monthly or annual plan to get turbo support. Do you want to know more about the Regata OS project? Access our FAQ or send us a message through the our contact page.

The team